iNFERNO d-LIGHT Dizzer VX.X Registration Form ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please take the time to fill in this registration form, it will go towards the continual support of Dizzer. Either print or email the form to one of the places below :- Write : Chris Seward (Dizzer) 10 Scafell Close Eastham, Wirral Merseyside L62 9EU ENGLAND E-Mail : BBS : Digital Candy BBS (01785 607207) Leave it in a message to Cool96 IRC : Catch me on irc, nick Cool96 or c96^iFd, channel #am!ga on IRCNet ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: / /19 Personal Details: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Address: Town/City: County: Postcode: Country: E-Mail Address: About the Product: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What product have you got: Dizzer V1. Where did you get it from: Where you pleased with the product (Yes / No / Other): Why: If you have any comments or suggestions for future versions please write them in here: Thankyou for your time! -----------------------------------------------------------------------